
Showing posts from November, 2006

Rules for love

Rules for love # Never allow your partner or yourself to denigrate the other. # You must have personal respect and consideration for yourself. # Everyone deserves respect and love, but you can't expect to get it unless you give it. # If you allow your partner to disparage you, expect to hear other damaging words. # Whatever you are willing to accept is exactly what you're going to get. # Be compassionate, understanding, forgiving and merciful. # Patience, kindness, consideration and thoughtfulness can never be in short demand. # Never let a person use names or words to hurt or degrade you or your partner. # Vow to protect yourself from thoughtless, rude, mean or punishing behavior. # If destructive words are being used, for whatever the reason, it must Stop. If not, a relationship can't survive. # Once you've reacted you can then be proactive. # A controlled mouth shows a controlled mind. # Use words for empowerment, encouragement and positive recognition. # Ask for res...

Things to do to in order to remove stress and irritation

Things to do to in order to remove stress and irritation Stress and irritation can be caused by a wide range of things and can be different for different people. When you notice something that distracts or annoys you try to sort it out straightaway or at least plan a time to get it fixed - otherwise it will continue to aggravate you. A lot of stress and irritation is occurs at a subliminal level - you may not notice things consciously or may have put annoyances out of your mind. But that doesn't mean they are not affecting you. Your internal systems are always alert to possible dangers and changes around you. Many of the basic placement rules of feng shui stem from just this understanding. Removing the irritation of bad design makes you more relaxed and open to creativity. Things to do * Make sure you can see doors and windows from where you sit * In a busy office avoid being near entrances unless it's your job to greet people - otherwise you will be distracted whenever someone...


One of the important aspects in our life is motivation; we tend to loose our energy for many reasons quickly. Lack of energy diminishes efficiency, affects productivity, creates frustration, develops stress, makes you short temper and ends up with depression; all these affect both personal & profess. One of the important aspects in our life is motivation; we tend to loose our energy for many reasons quickly. Lack of energy diminishes efficiency, affects productivity, creates frustration, develops stress, makes you short temper and ends up with depression; all these affect both personal & professional life. So, what is motivation? Motivation is a force which drives character to overcome conflicts or is a set of forces that cause people to behave in a certain way. Why Motivation? I’ve specified answer for this in the start of the article, anyway we need to be motivated to consistently perform well at work, develop a better relationship with parents, siblings, friends, wife etc. ...

Women's Guide to Men

Men are what women marry. Most have two arms, two legs, a large ego and sometimes two wives. They can be divided into three categories :- 1 - Bachelors 2 - Husbands and 3 - Widowers Each category can be subdivided into:- -> Prizes -> Surprises -> Consolations and -> Dead losses the last group being the most common If you flatter them, they get frightened, if you don't, they get bored. If you allow them to make love to you in the beginning, they get bored with you in the end. If you don't allow them to make love to you, they get bored in the beginning. If you argue with them, you will lose your charm. If you don't argue with them, they will stop trying to charm you. If you are outgoing and popular with other men, they think you are a tart. If you are not an extrovert they ignore you. Finally, to kiss a man, you must be prepared to kiss a rum scented brillo pad used to clean ashtrays.